Newsletter – Year I – Number III – December, 2022

Publication of a scientific article by the CCD-CROP-IAC group reporting new genes for drought tolerance in sugarcane

The CCD-CROP-IAC project team recently published the scientific article “Leaf transcriptome profiling of contrasting sugarcane genotypes for drought tolerance under field conditions”, in the international journal Scientific Reports, led by researcher Silvana Creste. The work involved a multidisciplinary team, with specialists in plant physiology, sugarcane breeding, plant irrigation, bioinformatics, molecular biology, statistics, and phytotechny and compiled the results of sugarcane research started more than a decade ago, focusing on gene prospecting for drought tolerance. The global gene expression profile from an experiment on the field at the Jalles Machado mill (Goanesia GO) was analyzed using two sugarcane contrasting genotypes for drought tolerance. Thus, hundreds of genes were identified, unveiling potential candidates for developing genetically engineered cane with drought tolerance. These genes expand the possibilities for creating new proprietary technologies that guarantee institutional and Brazilian competitiveness in generating sustainable cultivars with a biotechnological background.

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