Newsletter – Year I – Number III – December, 2022

First results are presented and awarded at the National Congress of Genetics.

From the 12th to the 15th of September 2022, researchers from the Agronomic Institute (IAC) participated in the 63rd Brazilian Congress of Genetics promoted by the Brazilian Society of Genetics in the city of Natal – RN. At the event, the first CROP-IAC results were presented to the scientific community in general.

  On the occasion, researchers from the Citrus team presented work associated with the project. Researcher Alessandra Alves de Souza presented the works “Antisense oligonucleotide application for Citrus sinensis gene silencing aiming citrus canker resistance” and High resolution melting analysis as a tool to solve the bottleneck of screening edited plants”. Researcher Mariângela Cristofani-Yaly presented the works ‘Specific molecular markers for characterization of citrus rootstocks varieties’ and “Polyembryony and polyploidy in crosses with tangerine IAC 2019Maria” and researcher Marinês Bastianel presented the work ‘Rootstock alternatives for mandarins aiming fruit quality and HLB management in field’.

In the Cana team, Renato Gustavo Hoffmann Bombardelli, supervised by Professor Claudia Barros Monteiro-Vitorello, presented the work entitled “Global changes in the transcriptome of rice plants transformed to super express the sugarcane Shine transcription factor unraveled by a biological network”.

In addition to the researchers, several students involved in the project presented their works on the Plant Genetics panel. A major highlight at CBG 2022 was winning of the ‘DARCY FONTOURA DE ALMEIDA AWARD’ by Gustavo Crestana, doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Genetics and Plant Improvement at Esalq, with the work “Dual-layer biological network reveals transcriptionally modulated genes when Sporisorium scitamineum colonizes contrasting energy cane genotypes. Crestana is supervised by Dr. Claudia Barros Monteiro-Vitorello and develops his research with the objective of integrating sequencing data (RNAseq) with biological networks, aiming to identify resistance genes of energy cane genotypes against the fungus Sporisorium scitamineum, which causes the sugarcane smut disease.

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